Bring your scores to life

The most advanced OMR technology.

Turn any paper or PDF score into an interactive LiveScore. Export as MusicXML or to your favorite notation software.

Introducing LiveScores

LiveScores combine the benefits of PDF, MusicXML and MIDI into the most advanced and interactive form of sheet music there is.

A whole new music reading experience.

The technology behind LiveScores

A new kind of OMR

For the first time, we applied artificial intelligence and deep learning to Optical Music Recognition (OMR), for unprecedented results.

Trained on 100,000+ scores, Maestria understands classical notation better than any other OMR product. And the more you use it, the better it gets.

A huge leap forward for music technology.

How to get LiveScores?

LiveScores are created in Newzik from any sheet music you own, using Maestria.

Easy as one, two, three.

Get Newzik Pro and create your first LiveScore today.

Frequently asked questions

Is there a limit as to how many pieces I can convert to LiveScores?

Newzik Pro and Newzik Education subscribers can convert up to 500 pages per month. You can check how many pages you have left in the LiveScore Dashboard. We plan to introduce ways to extend this limit in the future.

How long does it take to convert sheet music to LiveScore?

Converting PDF sheet music to LiveScores requires powerful Optical Music Recognition (OMR) algorithms and deep learning processes in order to get the best result possible. Depending on the number of pages and the complexity of your parts, the conversion process can take some time (up to a couple minutes per page). This process will become increasingly faster in the future.

What musical elements can be converted?

Most common musical elements can be converted thanks to Maestria's deep learning technology. We are continuously working on making more and more musical elements compatible, and you can find the updated list of compatible musical elements here.

I cannot convert my sheet music to LiveScore. Why?

If the number of pages of the part you are trying to convert exceeds the amount of LiveScore credits you own for the current month (maximum 500 pages per month), you will not be able to convert your sheet music to LiveScore.

It is not possible to convert licensed sheet music to LiveScores.

Can I convert to LiveScore from the Newzik app?

Absolutely. You can now convert your regular scores to LiveScores directly from the app.

The conversion was not accurate, how can I fix it?

First of all, rate the conversion to help us improve the technology. After a conversion in Newzik Web, you can rate it from 1 to 5 stars and provide written feedback. You can also send an email to

You can also export the MusicXML version of your score to correct it in your notation software. You can do the same with the MIDI file and rework it in your DAW.

Another question?

Consult our Knowledge Base or send us an email at
